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Edit Video &
Cut Bad Takes
while filming
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Edit Video While You Film
Auto Sync & Import Media
Render Complete Notifications
Edit Video Faster with SwitchTake
Edit your videos, cut bad takes,
and organize media clips while you film.
Make cuts & edits while filming
You know when you make a bad take. Why not cut it out as you are filming.
Mark good takes & important moments
Set timeline markers as you record your video. Markers make it easy to find your best takes and specific moments in your footage.
Rename clips & manage media
While recording, set the clip names and other video clip media metadata.
Auto sequence building
Quickly build timelines from all of your video clips. Create multiple timelines, organize by sequence and scene,  Sequence templates, tag by voice keywords
Save Time & Edit Faster
Focus on creativity!
Save time & edit faster!
Use SwitchTake to get a jump start on your next edit by (pre)editing your clips while you film.  Start editing with clips organized , ready to edit and all your unwanted footage removed.
A smarter way to start your next edit
Stop spending your valuable time sorting through clips to find your best takes and cutting unwanted footage. Start editing with a ready to edit rough cut timeline.
Four ways to (pre)edit your videos
Editing with SwitchTake is a breeze.
SwitchTake Mobile App
While filming use the SwitchTake mobile app to set edit points in your footage.  Set checkpoints, cut bad takes and set clip metadata.
SwitchTake Voice
What could be easier?  As you record your video, use voice commands to cut bad takes,  mark good ones, set markers and clip metadata.
Remote/game controller
Connect your controller (xbox, ps, nintendo) to the mobile SwitchTake app.  With the simple tap of a button, cut bad takes, create highlights or any of the other SwitchTake editing options.
Stream Deck integration
The SwitchTake Stream Deck plugin makes it easy to edit your streams or screen recordings.  Set edit points and markers with the quick push of a button.
How do you edit videos?
SwitchTake works with the most popular and powerful video editing software.
Premiere Pro
Premiere Pro

Easily import SwitchTake sequences into Adobe Premiere Pro.

Davinci Resolve
Davinci Resolve

Start editing your SwitchTake timelines in Davinci Resolve.

Final Cut Pro
Final Cut Pro

Are you a Final Cut Pro user?  Import SwitchTake sequences and start saving time today!

XML Integration
XML Integration

Does your video editor let you import XML?  Get started today!

Signup & download SwitchTake to see just how
easy it is to save time editing your videos!
Get Started Now
14 Day Trial
Integrate with your workflow
It is quick and easy to fit SwitchTake into your existing workflow.
Vlog editing
Creating vlogs is a lot of work.   Use SwitchTake to assemble, organize and put your clips in order.
Cut the time it takes to build your tutorials and walkthroughs.
Talking head
How many takes does it take to get it right. No worries with SwitchTake. Keep going until you get it right?
Cut the fat from your Interviews. Mark specific questions and segments so they are easy to find.
Stream editing
Are you a streamer. Use SwitchTake to rapidly segment your stream into multiple video sections.
When filming events, you may have a large number of clips to look through.  Use SwitchTake to cut and find the best parts.
Make better videos
Creators are using SwitchTake to streamline their video creation process.
Jay Lipman
YouTube / 61K subscribers
Switchtake has saved me hours in post production! It's super easy to use, and has quickly become an indispensable part of my workflow.
YouTube / 214K subscribers
Switchtake makes sequencing a breeze and cuts hours out of my editing process. You can have a rough sequence loaded up and ready moments after you finish filming!
Apple Help Line
YouTube / 5K subscribers
SwitchTake has revolutionized the way I edit my YouTube videos. Not having to hours of footage to see what needs to be cut out has saved me hours and hours of editing. Now I spend 30-60 minutes cleaning up the rough edit instead of all day and I am on to doing the fun part of editing the same morning. Everyone should get this and see how much time it truly saves you.
YouTube / 149K subscribers
I have been using SwitchTake on EVERY video I created for almost a year! It has saved me a ton of time & its become a vital part of my content creation process. Regardless if I am making a YouTube video, a commercial or music video. SwitchTake works for all the situations I've thrown at it. I also love how it just adds into my existing workflow. I don't need to change everything. It just slides in and begins working its magic! Overall. I love it & believe this is the future!
André Rodrigues
YouTube / 7K subscribers
Switchtake saved me more time in one month than all other plugins and softwares that I had used on the last 20 years working as filmmaker.
William Justice
YouTube / 19K subscribers
SwitchTake and SuperBins are easy to use and have saved me a huge amount of time. Both are now integrated into my creation process.
Stream editing & long takes
Edit while streaming to make it easy to find specific moments and easily create segment content.
Live edit your streams
As you are streaming, use the SwitchTake to help you break up your stream into separate videos.
Stream highlights
Use the SwitchTake highlight option to add a part of your stream to your highlight reel.  All highlighted clips added to a unified timeline.
Stream segments
It has never been easier to create multiple videos from one live stream. Create streaming segments to mark the beginning and end of each stream topic.
SuperBins / Watch Folders
Superbins is the fastest way to import media into your video project and automatically keep project files synchronized with your video editor. SuperBins is included in the Director plan or can be purchased separately.
Automatic File Import & Sync
Quickly import media files, browser images, screenshots, downloads, media folders and more. Copy media files to the clipboard and then paste to your project folder and import directly video project with a quick hot key sequence.
Learn More
Advanced Clip Tagging
Clip tagging and SwitchTake Scene Director are the ultimate way to take all of your video clips and quickly organize them into unified video project timelines.  Just set how you want clips to be used and SwitchTake will build your starter sequence for your project.
Generate multi-clip timelines based on sequence, scene number, date and clips tags.
Multi-clip sequencing
While filming, set the sequence and scene number. SwitchTake will automatically build unified timelines with all your clips ordered by time and scene number.
Voice slate
While filming set your clip metadata by saying what the clip is and how it will be used.  Set the clip tags, sequences and scene number.
Sequence templates/tags
Automatically create organized timelines based on clip tags or groups of tags.
How do you live edit videos?
Editing while you film is natural and easy!
1. Set checkpoint to save progress
Use the SwitchTake mobile app or voice comments to save your progress and set checkpoints. All time from the last saved point will be included in your sequence.
2. Cut mistakes, bad takes and dead space
If you make a mistake or want to remove a section of video from the clip, use the mobile app or voice commands to cut everything from the last checkpoint.
3. Mark good takes and edit points
Use markers to identify good takes so they are easy to find.  Set markers at specific time points to jump to that section of the video while you are editing.
4. Process with SwitchTake and import sequences
Run SwitchTake sequencer (PC/MAC) to process your edits, build complete timelines and import into your video editor.
Advanced editing / features
SwitchTake does more for you than just basic editing.
Blooper reel
Automatic blooper reel of funny takes when you cut a clip with the blooper option.
Cut silence
Use the cut silence feature to automatically remove silent parts of your videos.
Audio sync
Do you record audio externally? If so, use one of the sync options to make sure you audio and video are cut together.
The fastest and easiest way to import media into your video editor. Downloads are automatically imported into your video project. Copy and paste from your internet browser into your video project.
Tag folders
Automatically move clips to file folders based on clip tags.
Advanced markers
With the advanced feature, set marker colors and labels as you film.
Get started with SwitchTake
Signup & download SwitchTake to see just how easy it is to save time editing your videos!
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14 Day Trial
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